All your infrastructure needs

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BluSKY Software Datasheets

  • Unlimited servers and storage
  • Redundancy and high availability
  • Scaled to your requirements
  • Pay as you go and only for what you use
  • No software to load or maintain
  • Automatic software upgrades
  • One easy number to budget annually
  • Maintain and worry about nothing


Unlimited users and licenses

  • No license key hassles
  • Unlimited simultaneous connections
  • Use any device, any where, any time with any browser

One common database

  • One database across all applications
  • Manages facilities, occupancies, people, events
  • Less administration and training
  • Clean, accurate data
  • One time clock for all events across all applications

One simple web interface, on any device

  • All the common functionality
  • Easy import and export
  • User defined fields
  • Simplified search
  • Different views of your data
  • Photo capture
  • Maps and locations
  • Audit information

Role and policy based people management

  • Define your roles and policies once, up front
  • Minimize day-to-day administration
  • Get consistent and uniform results

Email and text communication

  • Email and text (SMS) service out-of-the-BØX
  • Nothing to configure or maintain
  • Notifications naturally integrated into the way you work
  • Easy password management and reset

Distribution lists and notifications

  • Define distribution lists by criteria
  • Define automated notifications and rules
  • Combine distribution lists and notifications into a powerful awareness tool

Rules and intelligence engine

  • Define rules and policies in plain language
  • Intelligence engine looks to see when rules are satisfied and takes action when required
  • Let the rules enforce the policies

Common reporting and analytics engine

  • Use 50 plus predefined reports
  • Run user defined and saved reports
  • Produce tabular and graphical data reports
  • Use interactive reporting
  • View dashlets and interactive dashboards
  • Automated report subscriptions
  • Use one synchronized clock
  • Get proper time zone reporting
  • Produce PDF and Excel format reports

Health and status monitoring

  • Continuously monitors hardware, software and communications to ensure everything is working properly
  • Notifies the proper group automatically if there is an issue and what the problem is
  • Proactively looks for potential trouble spots
  • Provides easy to understand system health dashlets and dashboards

Open API

  • Integrates with everything
  • Service oriented architecture
  • Publish-Subscribe model
  • REST, SOAP, JavaScript

Enterprise features

  • Provides B2B VPN
  • Provides database integration/credential integration
  • Supports single-sign-on (SSO)
  • Option to send encrypted emails
  • Provides hardware and data redundancy and high availability
  • Hardened security
  • SSAE 16 data centers

Automated database administration

  • Companies can use the BluSKY API to automate their database administration saving time and money
  • BluSKY also provides SCIM and SSO integration
  • BluSKY can inform when a change has been made to an employee record
  • Data from the security database can be used to automate or autopopulate other important databases
  • Provides a tremendous ROI – Saves 30 hrs/week per facility on credential administration, reporting and picture taking

DIY identity and credential management

  • Simple UI that ANYONE can use
  • Tenants in a multi-tenant building can easily administer their own people database
  • Multi-system, multi-site, multi-tenant, person, permission, credential, access and badge management from one UI
  • Unified management of multiple credentials – cards, mobile credentials, BluREMOTE, PINs, QR/Barcodes, Biometrics – *Base Building Notification
  • Global card format administration
  • HID Bluetooth mobile credential integration – eliminates redundant data entry in HID portal
  • Unlimited User Defined Fields (UDFs)
  • Unified Photo ID Badging – Users can also take their own badge photos on their phone for greater efficiency
  • Users can mange their own preferences for greater efficiency
  • Every change to a user record is captured in detail in and is audit

Tenant benefits

  • DIY Security – people, photos, access, visitors, reports
  • Credential Integration – one credential for base building and tenan space
  • Controlled Mobile Credential Integration – relief from credential administration
  • BluBØX Tenant Owned Security System – one database to administer – 10% tenant discount
  • Security System Integration – SSO and database integration using BluSKY open API, SCIM, Active Directory
  • Tenant Engagement App Integration
  • AI, Dashboard and Analytics option for tenants